Service charge

TDEX LP Company taking out the service charge in amount of 30% from customer’s profit by the end of investment period. Moreover clients should considering the fees of 3d party per deposit(payment system providers, banks, blockchain, exchanges etc). The service charge is taking out just one time for all deposits per one package.

If a portfolio doesn't get any profit by the end of investment period a customer is free of service charge.

What's the service charge consists: monitoring and rebalancing of investment portfolio if it's needed, servers hosting, analysis of fundamental data and a news feed.

In case when a client buying double package then a service charge will be reduced by 2% but no more 14% from all purchaises. For example, you have clarified to purchaise investment package "To the Saturn" an amount of $10000, so that's mean that we will take out 28% of your profit by the end of investment period(after 1 year of investing according to investment package conditions). Every time when you will increase your investments in size of a minimum investment package amount you get 2% of reduce from service charge but never more than 14% of the total discount.

  • $ 4998,8

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"XISO" - Is a trade mark of TDEX LP, incorporated in UK, LP022022 - Registered on 2 September 2021, Dept 3791 43 Owston Road, Carcroft, Doncaster, DN6 8DA
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